URSmartCell - URimage @ Clarendon Wellness


Intestinal colonization begins at birth and climaxes with the acquisition of two dominant groups of strict anaerobic bacteria belonging to the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla. Culture-independent, genomic approaches have transformed our understanding of the role of the human microbiome in health and many diseases.

Our body is home to trillions of tiny organisms called microbes, which are supposed to be there. Together, they make up our microbiome. It’s all over the body but mainly in the gut. Microbiome is closely tied up to our health in many unexpected ways and it’s contributes a lot to condition of our skin. Researchers are studying and indicating how ability to manage our own microbiome by activating UrSmartCell can dramatically improve our health from head to toe.

An imbalanced microbiome is changeable upon our diet, lifestyle and travel, it can lead to many health problems including many skin conditions and fast paste of its aging.

Gut microbes promote colonic serotonin production through an effect of short-chain fatty acids on enterchromaffin cells.

The gut microbiota regulates bone mass

Our intestinal microbiota harbours a diverse bacterial community required for our health, sustenance and wellbeing.

Desaturase-2 gene expression is required for lipid synthesis during early skin and liver development

A subset of polysaccharide capsules in the human symbiont Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron promote increased competitive fitness in the gut.

Gut microbiota associations with common diseases and prescription medications in a population-based cohort.

Microbial endocrinology—why the integration of microbes, epithelial cells, and neurochemical signals in the digestive tract matters to ruminant health.

Bidirectional nature of microbial endocrinology in which neurochemicals produced by the host and microbiota can influence each other. Neurochemicals produced by the microbiota can influence the host (1) as well as responsive microorganisms within the overall microbial community in the alimentary tract (2). The host response to neurochemicals may include physiological changes (intestinal motility, water reabsorption, secretory), behavioral changes (appetite, mood), or immunological states (i.e., inflammation). Similarly, the microbiota can respond to neurochemicals secreted from either the host (such as during periods of stress; 3) or other microorganisms (2) through altered physiology (i.e., infection, secretion, or environmental tolerance). Physiological changes in the host may feedback onto the neurochemical producers of the microbiota (4). Neurochemical responsive members of the microbiota also have the capacity to generate a response that affects the host (5). Together these pathways have the capacity to lead to reciprocal responses, as indicated by the paired arrows, and are part of the more generalized microbiota-gut-brain axis (Lyte, 2014).


URSmartCell Course

Includes one2one or virtual assistance consultation and program designed for you and your biology.